Hey all! Well, its been a week since I had the pain in my foot and the Doctor diagnosed it as Planter Fasciitis....... Guess what? I went to see an Orthotics Specialist, Mr Peter Cave. Go check out his website, www.instepfootcare.com. After the foot scan he performed on me, and after my own research of Plantar Fasciitis, we both can confirm that the pain I felt in my foot was not from Plantar Fasciitis! Instead, I'm having Morton's Neuromena!
Okay so what is that? Basically my left foot is sort of flat footed therefore causing my 3rd and 4th toe to clamp against a nerve causing it to swell! Therefore the sharp pain!

So what's the remedy? Well I bought a pair of Orthotics Insoles to help puch my arch back into place and will be wearing it for the rest of my life I guess. You won't believe how important our feet are! Its the most over used part of the body and its the very foundation of the body! (Literary speaking lah!)
Anyway, what I learnt from Mr Cave is that many people who suffer from back aches, neck aches and even migranes could be due to the fact that their feet are the cause! Its very interesting indeed! Because of the way our body is distributed, the slightest shifts of imbalance can cause the spine to form towards the direction we're depending our weigt one. Meaning, if your center of gravity is towards more of the right foot, your spine would travel from top of the head and down toward the right foot! Thus causing stress to the spine which leads to back aches! I know its amazing! HAHAHA........
So try going for a foot scan and learn something bout your body! AND GO CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE!!!! Its very very very interesting!!!!!
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