As the title says it. Was listening to one of my favourite bands and that being Guns N' Roses!
This occurred to me while listening to the song. What does it mean to knock on heaven's door?
I mean I can sort of imagine the majestic view of walking up this long flight of marble pearl white stairs and at the top sits a 2 sided door (Those you find in castles) so big and made up of the finest pine wood with the scent still fresh from the pine trees God created.
On the door there're 2 gigantic handles protruding out made out of metal unfounded by man as it sparkles along with the glistening majestic aura emitting out from behind those tiny gaps in between. Also next to the handles are door knockers.
Well imagine we get a chance to look at this scenario I painted out. These were the questions I will ask myself....
1. Should I knock?
2. Should I take a peek?
3. Should I just wait for someone to take notice of my presence?
Well....... What you guys do?
Somehow, these questions do mean differently in the way you answer them. I can sort of remember a scene from the movie Kungfu Panda, where Po was to pull his noodle cart up to the top of the temple where they were going to announce the new Dragon Warrior.
When going up the stairs, you're to leave everything behind, no regrets, nothing to hold you back so that you can climb the stairs.
When you get up top, the excitement in you should be beyond words! The part where Po was trying all ways to get into the temple was hilarious! Then again, how bout us as disciples then? Would we do everything in our power to get into those doors? Wouldn't we be knocking on the door all the way?
Then is it wrong to peek out of curiosity? Hmm..... Well in the modern world it is a crime! HAHAHA...... But I guess God has already let us peek into Heaven thru many ways. How he blesses us in our daily lives are probably little instances of what Heaven would be like behind those doors. No disappointments, no discouragements, all in all, basically God will always be there to back us up!
What about those who will just stand outside and wait? What do you think? Well, to me those who wait will miss out the chance. Sounds harsh but were there instances in your life where you just stood outside the door of your friend's house and not even ring the bell or knock? Did the door open? Did anyone from the house notice you? I think besides the neighbours seeing strange person and calling the security guard or the police, I doubt anyone form the house will ever notice you! So its important that we do the small things! Like the sermon on Sunday, never think that you're insignificant but do the small things for the impact will cause a ripple effect!
Just some random thoughts while de-stressing from doing my project. Hope it helps and feel free to just shout out your opinion in the shoutbox! =)
This occurred to me while listening to the song. What does it mean to knock on heaven's door?
I mean I can sort of imagine the majestic view of walking up this long flight of marble pearl white stairs and at the top sits a 2 sided door (Those you find in castles) so big and made up of the finest pine wood with the scent still fresh from the pine trees God created.
On the door there're 2 gigantic handles protruding out made out of metal unfounded by man as it sparkles along with the glistening majestic aura emitting out from behind those tiny gaps in between. Also next to the handles are door knockers.
Well imagine we get a chance to look at this scenario I painted out. These were the questions I will ask myself....
1. Should I knock?
2. Should I take a peek?
3. Should I just wait for someone to take notice of my presence?
Well....... What you guys do?
Somehow, these questions do mean differently in the way you answer them. I can sort of remember a scene from the movie Kungfu Panda, where Po was to pull his noodle cart up to the top of the temple where they were going to announce the new Dragon Warrior.
When going up the stairs, you're to leave everything behind, no regrets, nothing to hold you back so that you can climb the stairs.
When you get up top, the excitement in you should be beyond words! The part where Po was trying all ways to get into the temple was hilarious! Then again, how bout us as disciples then? Would we do everything in our power to get into those doors? Wouldn't we be knocking on the door all the way?
Then is it wrong to peek out of curiosity? Hmm..... Well in the modern world it is a crime! HAHAHA...... But I guess God has already let us peek into Heaven thru many ways. How he blesses us in our daily lives are probably little instances of what Heaven would be like behind those doors. No disappointments, no discouragements, all in all, basically God will always be there to back us up!
What about those who will just stand outside and wait? What do you think? Well, to me those who wait will miss out the chance. Sounds harsh but were there instances in your life where you just stood outside the door of your friend's house and not even ring the bell or knock? Did the door open? Did anyone from the house notice you? I think besides the neighbours seeing strange person and calling the security guard or the police, I doubt anyone form the house will ever notice you! So its important that we do the small things! Like the sermon on Sunday, never think that you're insignificant but do the small things for the impact will cause a ripple effect!
Just some random thoughts while de-stressing from doing my project. Hope it helps and feel free to just shout out your opinion in the shoutbox! =)
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